Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I suppose I should begin this blog with a little info on what I plan to accomplish. Well, I consider myself a positive realist- I think that would  make me an opportunist. I don't settle, I never give up (some may call me overly persistent at times). But, overall I am just a hard/smart worker who wants to make a difference and I just don't believe in wishing for things- I believe in making things happen and knowing when the right time to do so is. Therefore, this blog will be inspiring at least half the time.

That being said  sometimes I just need to rant. It is almost never personal, just normal frustrations with technology, humanity, education, etc. Our society is so incredibly unorganized, misinformed and cruel sometimes I can't help but get on a soapbox about it all. These rants will usually possess a hint of humor because if I don't laugh I'll cry, and laughing just feels better. And they will almost always have a silver lining. 

Some of the topics I will be addressing will be: my battle with procrastination, fear of ignorance, need for exercise, belief in athletics, power in planning, obsession with wine, love of children, recent cooking disasters/successes, reality versus the media, random acts of kindness, learned resourcefulness and any other topic that peaks my interest.

On a personal note, while I believe in the goodness of people, at the end of the day we all serve our own self-interests first. I will readily admit one of my goals in life is to be financially secure enough to travel when and where ever I want, volunteer regularly, send my kids (or my nephews and niece) to college and not have to worry about financial burdens. Therefore, don't be surprised if my topics touch on financial interests occasionally. 

My first inspiring share is a "pin" I found on pinterest recently that made my heart swell. Enjoy. 

A couple and their one-year-old went to 
dinner and this is what was on their check.

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